Where to conect Alarm signal from servo to ruida?

I have RDC 6445s(EC)

Looks that it could be on section CN2 3 DrProc or 5 IN1

If you want it to halt, an active high would pause it. Since it’s a wired or, anything on that line can pull it low, meaning nothing else should be attempting pull it high.

If the servo has an error, there is no handling of that via the Ruida, unless you want it to pause. The training that I got on servos (which was limited) would correct themselves unless it was a major failure.

If it fails then what?

I don’t know what IN1 is configured for or does. Here is the manual page.

They have similar comments on Out1 and Out2.

These are commonly used for a stack light to indicate machine state.


Old driver pause work Leetro.
Now I have error on serwo and try connected to limit +Y and +X
The diagnostic function on control panel show that limit +Y and +X is triggered
But machine ignore it.

Looks like Dor protection should work but if I reverse signal
But there is no option in RDWorks.

I find that driver is stupid…
Machine go homing to -X and -Y
So when +X +Y limit is trigger you can start program and there is no warning.
Also works on Z and U I check it.
So driver will push more on the end of axis… its ridiculous !

But when it happens during work there is pause and Alarm on.
A connect -alarm +alarm from serve driver to GND and limit on +X and +Y
Its working like switch/limit.

You have to enable limits on each axes or where applicable.

I’m sure RDWorks does this also, so it’s not a driver or whatever, it’s how the controller works.

Changing controllers is a lot like changing horses…

Are you pulling the inputs low?

Most of these have leds that show the input status of these ports.

You can see if the controller is actually seeing these switches. Usually Z/U → Diagnosis will show a screen showing status of these ports.
