Which laser to buy

Hey all. Looking at getting a co2 laser, specifically for doing sub surface crystal engraving but want it to work with lightburn. Which entry level machine would you recommend

I’m looking at this one…

Can you explain more about what you plan to do with the machine?

Sure. I want to etch photos or logos sub surface into crystal blocks and awards

K40’s use to be a popular low cost option, however folks who bought them tended to be tech savvy and machine modifications where common. So you get what you pay for.
Lately I think the diode style units have taken over the K40’s. I’d say over half the folks posting to this site have those units. As far as I know they work well out of the box, but I don’t have one so you might want to research for yourself.

Hmm ok so what would you recommend for sub surface etching?

A brief google on this topic reveals these laser diode machines are 20k and up and use common JPG files but very special software.

Not that everything you read on the internet is accurate.

I think you’re dreaming, sorry.

That kind of internal fracturing requires a laser that has an exacting focal point, the proper glass and very specialized software.

Not the best video, but gives you some idea…

Good luck


I found the same video Jack. Lasers are a bit out of makers muse lane but he is really sharp with printers and doesn’t seem to post material that he has no knowledge of. So I would believe what he says. I guess proof would be to see how expensive the finished product is and at what quality. Yes good luck also.

Ok. I thought you needed a co2 laser to do this

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