Which setting parameters for acrylic Sculpfun S6 Pro

I have the Sculpfun S6 Pro and I’m a total beginner.
I was looking for the best settingsto cut Acrylic, mine is 3mm thick and I had no problems with cutting wood but any settings wont work with the acrylic :frowning: The last setting I tried was speed: 300, Max Power 90% and min 72.5%
any reccomandations?

If you are trying to cut clear acrylic, forget it…

Might have a chance with a colored verity.

Frequency of the beam from an LED laser (visible light) is different from a co2 laser (infrared).

The material has to absorb the energy for the beam to ‘damage’ the material. If the light passes through the material, it can’t damage it.

Good luck


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