Nice job, that looks fantastic.
@Bulldog you have mastered the photo engraving my friend!
Can you give an indication of the size and how much time it took?
I am deciding on which laser module to buy. Would you advise an Eleksmaker? I am building my own CNC, but if the Eleksmaker is any good, I am interested in the diode module.
105 x 105 mm White Maple
appox 50 minutes
2.5 watt Eleksmaker diode
1200 mm/min 50% power 317.5 DPI
The Eleksmaker in my option a very good laser unit…lots of issues with clones
are you doing anything to the photo before bringing it into LB? I can’t get results like these on photos, would love to know the trick!
@FSD333. What machine are you trying to reproduce @Bulldog ‘a similar output on? Is it a dioide laser on your CNC machine? A CO2 might be too powerful for the finesse @Bulldog is achieving
I’ve tried on all my machines, Just got my CO2 working today. I have three (2 really) I have an Ender 3 converted with a “10w” endurance laser, and a snapmaker (original) with 1.6w and 2.5w modules and a K40 that I just converted to an OpenBuilds Blackbox controller with PWM. But like I said I can’t get near the quality of photo reproduction that I see on a lot of different post.
@FSD333 have you played with the burn at 1.25 Watts? Also are you burning after you use the white paint sprayed?
I use Paintshop Pro to convert to B/W…clean up a bit then resize and set DPI to 318…import into LB…use Jarvis …sometimes Stucki…fail or make it is that the beam has to be pin point focused…can;t do it by eye…I use USB microscope and lookat 1 x 10 mm scan…
What was the resolution of the image?
Did you convert it from JPEG or GIF . . . and if so, how?
I only ask because it is such a GREAT piece that I want to learn from your expertise.
And where do you get white maple? Is it easier to buy than toilet paper during these dark days of COVid-19?
105 x 105 mm
I use Paintshop Pro 19 convert to b/w
363 DPI
import into LightBurn
Use Jarvis dither
50% power,0.07 line interval…1200 mm/min
45 min
Local Lumber yard rough cut white maple
Plane it resaw
Yes easier to get than toilet paper
Local stores around me Oshawa Canada still out
That goodness we have a root cellar that is always stocked
Beer, and whiskey also…lol
Stay Safe
only resize in Paintshop LightBurn has image enhancement now under shape properties