Why an Earth do I need to set up devices again

This is really annoying i need to quickly get some work done and I am being told I need to set up the machine again grrrrr why is this?

Without much more detail on what you’ve done and what’s happening, these are guesses:

Have you gone through the entire initial configuration process?

Did you then select that laser device when you start LightBurn?

With that device selected, have you created a (trivial, just a rectangle) design and saved it?

After doing that, when you close LightBurn, reopen it, and load that simple project, what happens?

Let us know where things fall off the rails …

I done the set up and for had been happly working with the laser for weeks and then suddenly I was told to add devices ,Now when i preview the whole outer shape appears even when I just select and inner shape!

Try going to ‘File’ > ‘Load Preferences Backup’ - you may be able to restore a backup of your past preferences, including device profiles, rather than having to recreate them.

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