Why do i have "hard" edges with transparent background?

Hi there,

i have a question about transparency on png-files.
When i mask an image in Photoshop with a soft stamp, i usualle save it as “PNG with Transparency”.

But every time i do this, the “soft edges” from the Photoshop stamp will be shown as hard edge. In the image below you can see that.
Only when i save the picture als “PNG without Transparency” (white background) the soft edges will appear in Lightburn.

Why that?

Because LightBurn uses a simple threshold calculation for transparency when doing the dithering.

Ok. So this (save without transparency) is the right way to do this? Or is there another way?

That’s the correct way for now. I’ll need to see if I can update the dithering code to include transparency, but that won’t happen for a bit.

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