Why does the rotary enable button stay on when other files are opened?

Good morning all. When I use my rotary tool for a project I turn on the enable rotary button. When I close the job and exit the tool, close lightburn, shut down for the day, etc. When I open Lightburn and open a different file the rotary enable button is still on. Should it not just stay with the file that I use the rotary with? Why does it follow to the next file that does not use the rotary? Is there a way that this can happen? Hope this all amkes sense? Thanks everyone.

It doesn’t work that way. Lightburn doesn’t know if a file is designed for the rotary or not. When your done with the rotary you need to disable it.

That’s what I have been doing. Just thought I’d ask the question. Just an added small step that needs to be in our work instructions. Thanks for the reply. Always appreciate the info coming from all you contributors.

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I also change from Current Position to Absolute Coordinates

It also does not if you switched the plug back to the Yaxis.

DSP controllers actually store the “rotary enable” setting in the controller firmware settings, so to be consistent we made LightBurn work that way in general.

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