Why doesn't lightburn support cdr files, causing me to mess with it for half a day? What files does lightburn support?

Why doesn’t lightburn support cdr files, causing me to mess with it for half a day? What files does lightburn support?

A full list of the supported formats can be found here: Basic Usage: The Essentials - LightBurn Software Documentation

There is a Corel plugin under Help > CorelDraw Macro Setup, in LightBurn. - see here for some context: CDR file support · LightBurn

And older, but still relevant context here: Import cdr files · LightBurn

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Not obvious as CorelDraw format is binary and proprietary, hard to reverse engineer.

I download, from time to time, some CDR files from template sites, and I import them successfully in Inkscape. It will allow to save them to SVG, then to import in LB.

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I have Very good luck with the website

you may wish to give it a try

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As PhiLho wrote I D/Load into Inkscape and from there Cut/Copy then paste into LB…no problem…

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