Why is my text engraving all messed up?

Hi! I am new to this. I am using a Two Trees 5.5s engraver. My issue is that when I engrave text outlines, the result is just a jumbled mess.

This is supposed to say “TEST” in arial… but it sure isn’t working.
Please help! :weary:

Your Y-axis belt is EXTREMELY loose.

When the first ‘T’ starts, at the top-left, the machine is moving downward already, so the first few lines are ok. When it changes direction to run the right side of the T, at the bottom, you can see a very dark burn mark there, and the right side is short. That happened because it was taking up the slack in the Y axis belt, and only once that slack was taken up did it then actually start to move the laser head again. The rest of the letters are deformed for the same reason.


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