Why won’t my whole table burn

I want to engrave this but when I go to preview it only shows it’s going to engrave the A.
Not the &or m why is this and how do I fix it thanks

We’re going to need a bit more info. Post your Lightburn file if you can.

First thought is the A and the M are not closed if it’s set to fill.

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Can’t post file I don’t own its rights

Second they appear closed how can I tell for sure?

Do you have cut selected graphics checked?

Nope it’s off

Any errors when doing the preview? What’s the preview look like? What layers are you using?

Screen shots work better than photos.

The information you’ve given is so vague its just guessing at this point.

Edit → Select open shapes

What does this mean? I guess my English isn’t that great.

What is such a copyright issue, I’m assuming it’s Texas A&M, if anyone has ever heard of it. :man_shrugging:

I thought that logo was pretty much is a semi public domain icon … as long as you don’t make money off it… but it’s available in other places.


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