Wifi conection to lightburn

have a acmer p1 10w and it comes with a preinstalled wifi receiver im able to connect it to my pc however i cant seem to understand how to get it to connect to lightburn

I do not think Lightburn supports WiFi.

Can your PC see the file structure on your laser? If so, you can save your .NC files directly from Lightburn to the laser controller.

It does support it

Normally you need first to use USB connection to configure your wifi
(edit - after browsing i do not think P1 10W has wifi . nothing in their documentation states it does)
You must give your machine firmware the credentials of your local wifi
(make sure you dont put it on the guest network)
there should be a set of commands to do this in the documentation

Once done, i would recomend also trying to set it to fixed IP

Then you give the ip that you get in $i
and create a new profile, and instead of USB you select Ethernet/TCP

You sure?
A WiFi connection transmits data via wireless signals, while an Ethernet connection transmits data over cable .
Ethernet and WiFi are two methods of transmission. TCP/IP is the communications protocol.

If you are doing Wifi with Lightburn, please share!

GRBL controller → 2nd step
Check as you can both select USB or Ethernet

Now granted your machine must support it from the get go

It’s not that LightBurn explicitly supports WiFi. It supports IP connections using serial over Telnet and doesn’t distinguish wired from wireless. So in this case the physical transport doesn’t matter and both function in the same way.

In fact, I’m not aware of any commodity lasers that support this approach with a wired connection. They all seem to do it with WiFi (e.g. Ortur LM3).

Right, most hardware now is based on GRBL HAL variants which support wifi and or Bluetooth.
I have no experience on the latter but plenty machines now support the WIFI.
The trickiest part is - from what i seen - get machine to switch from DHCP into a fixed ip. as some routers lease times are quite small.
If only… Lightburn would support connection by hostname… :smirk:

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