hi im using latest lightburn new to this so help please
im using sculpfun s9 my laser has worked before. now it will frame out but when i ask to burn it starts for a split second then stops and says connection lost . port failed to open already in use
This is usually a PC-Laser communications issue, and not Lightburn.
Boot up the laser, try to run the program, and if it fails, copy everything from the Console window and paste in a reply.
This can also be caused by a broken power supply. If the laser shuts down when starting the laser module.
Waiting for connection…
Project loaded in 2 milliseconds
Waiting for connection…
Target buffer size found
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Target buffer size found
Starting stream
Layer C01
Connection lost
Stream completed in 0:02
Port failed to open - already in use?
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Target buffer size found
Try setting your laser power to 1/4 of the current setting. If that fixes it, @misken found your problem. If it does not, replace the USB cable with a good quality shielded + ferrites one.
yes low power worked so whats the fix
Buy a new power supply,. I suggest one with greater wattage capacity. Just match the voltage and connector pin and sleeve dimensions. Or you could splice the old power connector onto the new power supply.
If one of mine ever goes out, I will replace it with a 20 amp unit and reuse the wire and connector that plugs into the laser controller. Fused of course. If the other goes out, I will just add that wire to the power supply.
thanks guys much apprechiated
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