Window view not saving

Every time I start LB I have to adjust the window view
This is what I would like.

This is what I get when I open LB.

Is there a setting to save these views that is selected?

That should happen automatically - It’s supposed to remember the windows and their layout. Which version of MacOS are you running?

MacOs Catalina v 10.15.7 (19H2)

This happens to me if I change the physical width of the taps. My laptop has a smaller window, and if I resize the tabs to fit everything in they way I like it, i reverts to default layout after closing. Frustrates the hell out of me. :frowning: I’ve reduced the fonts and icons, but the large buttons don’t change size in the dockers, so you can’t reduce their “footprint”.

I closed and opened the program, and hey presto! Back to it’s default layout, with hidden tabs and everything. :frowning:

If I leave the dockers at their default sizes, I have a very limited view of the layout area.

Pudieron arreglar el problema?
Cada vez que inicio lightburn tengo que configurar de nuevo herramientas y demas opciones de espacio de trabajo . Es una lata .

Could they fix the problem?
Every time I start lightburn I have to reconfigure tools and other workspace options. It’s a can .

Does it do this if you don’t have the window maximized? Try that - I’ve never had an issue with the layouts saving, but I don’t run maximized, so I’m wondering if that might be the difference. It shouldn’t matter - the system saves the window layout info regardless, but it’s the one thing I can see that’s different.

This is mine, after rearranging to match yours, quitting, and re-running:

I’ve just tried, and my layout persists if I’m maximized too. Which version of Windows are you running?

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Muchas gracias por tu informaciĂłn , es muy valiosa .
Lo probare esta tarde .
Saludos amigo .

Thank you very much for your information, it is very valuable.
I’ll try it this afternoon.
Greetings friend.

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