I’ve started noticeing that when I apply a shape offset to a line the resulting shape has wobbly lines.
In this example I simply typed a word into Lighburn and ran it at 200 mm/sec it came out fine.
When I offset the letters outward by 1mm and set the original lines to be deleted, the resulting line when cut came out wobbly in places. I tried it at a lower speed and it came out the same!
I have checked belt tension and cleaned and oiled the rails. I am using a 600x400 Gweike 80watt CO2 machine.
Offsetting a shape rounds the corners (unless you tell it to do otherwise). Rounded corners allow the laser to go faster, and if your machine has any flex to it, 200mm/sec around tight corners is going to cause wobble. You likely have your machine’s acceleration values set too high.
199 is a lower speed, but I would expect identical results. What lower speed did you try?
I’m assuming the R was cut along the left side, then went around the bottom and back up the right side. You can see quite strong bounce on the right side. I would check to make sure none of your mirrors is loose, because it’s usually the Y bouncing (because the gantry has a decent amount of mass).
That’s very strange - your Cut Parameters (which will be the ones used when using ‘Line’ mode in LightBurn) are surprisingly low. That said, Min Acceleration is pretty high - try dropping that down to about 200. Max Acceleration is usually in the range of 3000 and up, but leave it for now.