Wrong coordinates laser

Hi. guys

I have a problem with Neja3 and RGBL-LCP. I try to change ccordinats, because i have negative coordinates on Y. I did G92 x1 y1 for 0 position, did $10=0 and when i try to move on 10 mm all is good, but when i try to do a figure, it`s looks like my laser forget all comands that i did in console before

Create a new device as GRBL only nor GRBL-LPC.

Then set your device as this:

And report back.


Thank you :slight_smile:

I cant write on Y 400 mm, 300 only. I did screenshot of my settings. Maybe i need to change absolute coordinates, because my laser dont understand where is x and y 0, whatever values i write in width and height of my work space

Type $# in console window and post the output.
If you have a workoffset type $RST=#.
Power cycle laser (power and USB) and test.
Report back.














Type $RST=# and power cycle the laser (power and USB).

Thank you. All is OK now

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Please, could you help me with another problem
i did G10 L2 P1 xx yy and $10=0, but steal have “-” on Y

No need to do that, you have to reset the offsets again and read the following doc please:

Thank i read and use user position now. Sometimes all is good but sometimes i have move on X, especially when i need to cut in 2 repeats. It looks like this
Can you help me, please?

That is a mechanical problem: something is very loose in the axis that’s producing double lines. I assume the picture is rotated a quarter-turn, so the problem is in the X axis.

Scale this file as large as you can and run it on cardboard at high speed with optomizations turned off and just enough power to get a good mark on the cardboard. Upload a quality photo of the results. This will help show any mechanical deficiencies.
BacklashTest.lbrn2 (65.5 KB)

So that confirms the machine has mechanical backlash.

This tuneup guide was written for Sculpfun lasers, but you’ll recognize most of the mechanical parts and places to check:

Basically, you’re looking for anything loose, from the setscrew holding the pulley onto a motor shaft, to the laser head mounted on the belt follower. Do not assume that the machine was correctly assembled at the factory, as other folks have found stripped screw threads and mismatched components.

Run that test pattern as you find and fix problems, because until the machine can run it without distortion, there’s more trouble to be found.

Upload good photos of the result so we can look over your shoulder.

Good hunting!