X and Y are not at zero when home & green square is not centered on my image

After sending my laser to the home position and selecting get position I am seeing x @ 1 and Y @-1. I have tried sending the laser to the home position and then restarting lightburn but that didn’t fix it. I have tried several times to set the user origin to center and the green square that I thought should be in the center of my project is not. I have also tried to frame my image to engrave and it is not the full width of my work area. I am very new and have one done one other sample engraving and cut. Thank you

Can you run these commands in Console and return all output?


The first command will home your laser so be prepared for it.






Target buffer size found




































































That’s really interesting. It seems your laser is setup so that coordinates after homing are to be 1,-1. There’s nothing inherently broken about that, just slightly odd.

As for your green job origin square… using user origin the green square will be at the geometric center of all the objects on your workspace.

I can’t tell from the screenshots but it seems plausible that this is actually true here. If you select all objects does the center of the selection nodes overlap with the job origin square?

I am making the image the same size as my working area. So I assumed the green square would be centered in the workspace? is that not accurate? I wanted to verify before I engrave this grid on my worktop. Thanks

This will depend on the exact placement of shapes. If the shapes’ position is shifted in any way it would not necessarily be the center of the grid.

If you make a rectangle the exact same size as the work area and then center it to the grid, where is the green job origin marker located?

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