X Carve 1000mm X 1000mm Lighburn Setting Help

Hello All,

I am hoping someone can help me, I have done 2 days of research on this and have tried several different things and at a loss.
I am running an X Carve 1000 mm X 1000 mm w/ Gbrl 1.1g and having an issue with where the laser starts. I set up Lightburn for a 24" X 24" ( that’s all I need )

Set Basic Settings Origin to bottom left and then home with hard switches.
Movement are reversed
When engraving machine moves to upper left corner / images reversed and flipped

Set Basic Settings Origin to Upper Right and then home with hard switches
Movement are Correct
When engraving machine moves to upper left images flipped

Also when clicking Get Position X and Y are negative

Things I have tried:

Tried all 4 Basic Settings Origin positions
Tried all 3 Start From on the main page
Homed machine then added G10 L2 P1 X-24 Y-24 (I assume this -24 is in inches)

nothing has worked


“Name”: “GRBL”,
“Settings”: [
“Desc”: “Status: Position reporting ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0000”,
“Value”: “Machine Position”
“Desc”: “Status: Show buffer data ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Junction deviation (mm) ($11)”,
“ID”: “0xb”,
“Value”: 0.019999999552965164
“Desc”: “Arc tolerance (mm) ($12)”,
“ID”: “0xc”,
“Value”: 0.0020000000949949026
“Desc”: “Report inches ($13)”,
“ID”: “0xd”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Soft limits ($20)”,
“ID”: “0x14”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Hard limits ($21)”,
“ID”: “0x15”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Homing cycle ($22)”,
“ID”: “0x16”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Max spindle speed (RPM), S-Value max ($30)”,
“ID”: “0x1e”,
“Value”: 1000
“Desc”: “Min spindle speed (RPM), S-Value min ($31)”,
“ID”: “0x1f”,
“Value”: 0
“Desc”: “Laser mode enable ($32)”,
“ID”: “0x20”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Step pulse (microseconds) ($0)”,
“ID”: “0x0”,
“Value”: 10
“Desc”: “Step idle delay (ms) ($1)”,
“ID”: “0x1”,
“Value”: 255
“Desc”: “Step enable invert ($4)”,
“ID”: “0x4”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Probe pin invert ($6)”,
“ID”: “0x6”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20000”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30000”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50000”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Steps per mm ($100)”,
“ID”: “0x64”,
“Value”: 40
“Desc”: “X Max rate (mm/min) ($110)”,
“ID”: “0x6e”,
“Value”: 8000
“Desc”: “X Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($120)”,
“ID”: “0x78”,
“Value”: 250
“Desc”: “X Max travel (mm) ($130)”,
“ID”: “0x82”,
“Value”: 750
“Desc”: “Y Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Y Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Steps per mm ($101)”,
“ID”: “0x65”,
“Value”: 40
“Desc”: “Y Max rate (mm/min) ($111)”,
“ID”: “0x6f”,
“Value”: 8000
“Desc”: “Y Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($121)”,
“ID”: “0x79”,
“Value”: 250
“Desc”: “Y Max travel (mm) ($131)”,
“ID”: “0x83”,
“Value”: 750
“Desc”: “Z Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Steps per mm ($102)”,
“ID”: “0x66”,
“Value”: 188.9759979248047
“Desc”: “Z Max rate (mm/min) ($112)”,
“ID”: “0x70”,
“Value”: 500
“Desc”: “Z Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($122)”,
“ID”: “0x7a”,
“Value”: 25
“Desc”: “Z Max travel (mm) ($132)”,
“ID”: “0x84”,
“Value”: 94
“Desc”: “A Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50003”,
“Value”: false

Thank you in advance for any help.

I am running the same machine you may try to change the $3=3 to $3=4 I had mine on 4 and everything was reversed so i changed mine back to 3 but since yours is going the wrong way i would give it a try and see what happens.


Thank you, the $3=4 worked for movement using buttons but now the home wants to go to the upper right. I tried engraving something and that wanted to go to the bottom left. Also I tried G0 X0 Y0 and that moved it onto the wood but when issuing G0 X5 Y5 again moved it to the bottom left.

Can you home the machine in Lightburn?

Hello Roger,
I also have an X-Carve 1000-1000 mm.
Mine, however, is an old version from 2016.
The limit switches were not installed for me.
I then upgraded it and it still didn’t work.
That’s why I always use “Current Position” at Lightburn.
I sort of align the laser or the workpiece beforehand.
I usually take it from the middle.
It works pretty well.
After completion, it also moves back to the center.
I hope this helps you with your problem.

Greetings Andre

@Andre-Jr is correct on using the current position. I saw a couple thing different in your setting and not sure if they will help but i am running in inches and my $13=0 and my hard limits are $21=0. You might try changing them and swith to current position. If you can get it to home correctly i can give you a formula to save your work zero but you have to home first.

In this post from me, Oz and others tried to help me.different lines at X and Y axis
maybe you will find your solution in your suggestions.

Sorry inkorekter link

Thanks all,

I will give the Current Pos a try right now

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Good luck and good night from Germany

Thank you Andre N.

I can use the home button, movements, and burn direction are correct. I do have to use “Current Position” but I can handle manually putting in the location I want. Now I just need to learn to create a macro for setting the Z axis for material size.

Thanks you for everyone’s help.

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