Hello All,
I am hoping someone can help me, I have done 2 days of research on this and have tried several different things and at a loss.
I am running an X Carve 1000 mm X 1000 mm w/ Gbrl 1.1g and having an issue with where the laser starts. I set up Lightburn for a 24" X 24" ( that’s all I need )
Set Basic Settings Origin to bottom left and then home with hard switches.
Movement are reversed
When engraving machine moves to upper left corner / images reversed and flipped
Set Basic Settings Origin to Upper Right and then home with hard switches
Movement are Correct
When engraving machine moves to upper left images flipped
Also when clicking Get Position X and Y are negative
Things I have tried:
Tried all 4 Basic Settings Origin positions
Tried all 3 Start From on the main page
Homed machine then added G10 L2 P1 X-24 Y-24 (I assume this -24 is in inches)
nothing has worked
“Name”: “GRBL”,
“Settings”: [
“Desc”: “Status: Position reporting ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0000”,
“Value”: “Machine Position”
“Desc”: “Status: Show buffer data ($10)”,
“ID”: “0xa0001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Junction deviation (mm) ($11)”,
“ID”: “0xb”,
“Value”: 0.019999999552965164
“Desc”: “Arc tolerance (mm) ($12)”,
“ID”: “0xc”,
“Value”: 0.0020000000949949026
“Desc”: “Report inches ($13)”,
“ID”: “0xd”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Soft limits ($20)”,
“ID”: “0x14”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Hard limits ($21)”,
“ID”: “0x15”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Homing cycle ($22)”,
“ID”: “0x16”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Max spindle speed (RPM), S-Value max ($30)”,
“ID”: “0x1e”,
“Value”: 1000
“Desc”: “Min spindle speed (RPM), S-Value min ($31)”,
“ID”: “0x1f”,
“Value”: 0
“Desc”: “Laser mode enable ($32)”,
“ID”: “0x20”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Step pulse (microseconds) ($0)”,
“ID”: “0x0”,
“Value”: 10
“Desc”: “Step idle delay (ms) ($1)”,
“ID”: “0x1”,
“Value”: 255
“Desc”: “Step enable invert ($4)”,
“ID”: “0x4”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Probe pin invert ($6)”,
“ID”: “0x6”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20000”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30000”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50000”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “X Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “X Steps per mm ($100)”,
“ID”: “0x64”,
“Value”: 40
“Desc”: “X Max rate (mm/min) ($110)”,
“ID”: “0x6e”,
“Value”: 8000
“Desc”: “X Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($120)”,
“ID”: “0x78”,
“Value”: 250
“Desc”: “X Max travel (mm) ($130)”,
“ID”: “0x82”,
“Value”: 750
“Desc”: “Y Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30001”,
“Value”: true
“Desc”: “Y Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50001”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Y Steps per mm ($101)”,
“ID”: “0x65”,
“Value”: 40
“Desc”: “Y Max rate (mm/min) ($111)”,
“ID”: “0x6f”,
“Value”: 8000
“Desc”: “Y Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($121)”,
“ID”: “0x79”,
“Value”: 250
“Desc”: “Y Max travel (mm) ($131)”,
“ID”: “0x83”,
“Value”: 750
“Desc”: “Z Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50002”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Homing direction invert ($23)”,
“ID”: “0x170003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “Z Steps per mm ($102)”,
“ID”: “0x66”,
“Value”: 188.9759979248047
“Desc”: “Z Max rate (mm/min) ($112)”,
“ID”: “0x70”,
“Value”: 500
“Desc”: “Z Accleration (mm/sec^2) ($122)”,
“ID”: “0x7a”,
“Value”: 25
“Desc”: “Z Max travel (mm) ($132)”,
“ID”: “0x84”,
“Value”: 94
“Desc”: “A Step pin invert ($2)”,
“ID”: “0x20003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Direction pin invert ($3)”,
“ID”: “0x30003”,
“Value”: false
“Desc”: “A Limit pin invert ($5)”,
“ID”: “0x50003”,
“Value”: false
Thank you in advance for any help.