First, I declare I am an absolute novice to CNC and respectfully ask you to forgive me for the questions I have below.
My controller board has 2 2-pin sockets for the 3 axes.
I have enabled the hard limit settings but, for example, the Y axis still crashes when homing to the front of the machine.
If I press the 2nd Y-axis limit switch while the axis is moving to home, the machine stops.
Please, can some learned person offer some good advice here?
So, you have two limit switches wired to each socket? Usually, you have two sockets, one for x and one for y. You wire one switch to each of them and place the switches where the laser should home to.
If you have two switches per axis (one on each end), you wire them in parallel. The firmware does not care which one was activated, it’s enough to know that the axis hit one of them.
Maybe you can draw a sketch?
Defective. You can test this by swapping it with the working switch.
Wired incorrect. This could be a bad cable or the 2 wires go to the N.C. and N.O. contacts, instead of one of them going to the Com contact. Another possibility is that the plug on the motherboard is offset and not on both pins.
Let us know what you discover, and welcome to the Lightburn forum.
This indicates he has a full set, 6, switches. The machine appears to be a 3018 type machine with lead screws instead of belts. When you hit a limit, belts slip, lead screws do not.
True. the Z has to clear any parts before any horizontal motion. My 3018 homes X & Y simultaneously after Z was homed.
I thank all of you who have read my post and had made the great effort to offer your support - it was all relevant and most helpful.
I think I solved the issue by using Lightburn’s Limit Switch tester.
Activating each limit switch to match the tester’s lights told me my wiring was all over the place.
Matching the limit switch light in the software to each physical limit switch helped me to plug the cables in the corresponding sockets.
What can I say… you have all been so helpful and supportive and I pray I ca, one day, be in a position to reciprocate.
Again, thank you so very much.