It’s definitely something that got set whether or nor you did it consciously. It’s possible a program could have done this. Have you used any other programs to connect to the laser?
Hi i have just assembled a s30 ultra 22w and noticed that the bracket on the limit x switch has a slotted hole in the wrong position.
If i had attached the switch it would have thrown off the homing by -20mm which would have given me a cut area of 580 x 600 mm not 600 x 600 so i moved the switch using double sided stickey tape for testing and problem solved.
So its handy i checked full movement on assembly before plugging into computer and running lightburn.
Lightburn found the s30 and i set it to auto home on startup and it works great every time with no fiddling with settings.
Only advice i would give would be to uninstall lightburn phisically set the laser module by hand to 0 0 and start again by reinstalling lightburn check it has found your correct work area size and use home at start option .