xTool D1 (10W) material list

In windows explorer right click & select rename. Make sure to change the .txt to .clb

Here’s a tutorial video. How to Change File Type on Windows 10 | Change File Extensions | Simple & Working [2022] - YouTube

ok I have this in Lightburn software. but how do i use it?
i can see the list and click on cardboard but nothing changes elsewhere

Downloaded the 20W file as .txt and converted it to UTF8 text file and renamed it with .clb extension. No joy with OS X Big Sur and Lightburn 1.2.04. Just on demo version. Do I need a license and or do something different? Plan on purchasing, but just got the software to try. Thx

Select a layer at the top, then pick a material, thickness, and cut from the library tab. Then click “assign to layer”.

Here’s a video that covers it: How to use the Lightburn Material Library to manage cut settings - YouTube

Here’s the lightburn documentation: Material Library - LightBurn Software Documentation

I’m not a mac guy but I’d guess don’t convert it to UTF8. Just download, rename, and load into lightburn.

Should work just fine whether you are in demo mode or not. No features are restricted, just a time limit on how long you can use the software.

Any mac folks out there that can shed some light on this??

Thanks. That was my first try. I figured OS X was adding some kinda “package” to it, so I converted it. Just renaming the extension didn’t work. I wonder if it’s some kinda Apple Borg weirdness,
So, I went into the library, created a new one and saved it. It indeed had the .clb extension, but I left it empty. When I opened the NEW/EMPTY file, it indeed had an UTF-8 encoding header. So, opened the .txt file from here, copied into file and saved it. Worked as far as LB can now see/read it, but no entries in library. I am stumped. :thinking:

Perhaps @LightBurn can tell us what needs to be done. It’s an xml document so it should be portable across platforms.

Screenshots of what you’ve done and what you’re seeing would be helpful. This absolutely should work and is portable across OSes.

And to be clear, you copied the contents of the downloaded .txt file into the LIghtBurn generated .clb file?

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Thank you so much for doing this, it has taken me days to get my machine working and I’m terrified to try to upload this. Is there a pdf (without the coding) that I can print out to enter the settings manually with each project until I get more comfortable? Thanks again!

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Here are some references:
xTool D1 Engraving & Cutting Parameters for Reference – xTool

Material settings (xtool.com)

But honestly, I wouldn’t hesitate trying to get this working. The material library is separate from other functionality and there’s little danger of you “messing things up”.

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As @berainlb said, there’s really no danger. The material library is separate. You can have multiple libraries & open different ones as well.

ok thank


Thank you so much for the file. It is awesome. Since I have a Macbook Pro I found that I had to duplicate the file and just change it to .clb (no .txt included in the name) and I was able to upload with no issues. You are awesome for sharing!

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Is there a formula behind your conversions? I am asking as I have several custom material settings for other materials (not from xTools) and I like to transfer my XCS settings to Lightburn, hoping not to have to run new material tests again?! Many thanks in advance,

I just exported data from xTools PDF. There was no conversation formula.

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Okay thank you!

Thank you, this is really useful. :pray: :ok_hand:

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