Xtool d1 cross reference light not on nor led on frame

Hi, can someone please help me! I turn on the Xtool D1 laser but no cross reference light comes on nor the led light on the frame, at the same time is not found on lightburn or laserbox. Fan is running but that’s it.

You can enable the Fire button (and illuminated framing with the laser) in the Device Settings window.

Click Edit, then wheel down to click Device settings and when that window pops up - activate the switch that says:‘Enable laser fire button’

It’s in the Other Options list on the right hand side of the window just below half-way down.

Hi John

It does even find the laser when i click on find my laser.

If you are willing, please use a screen-capture tool to share the connection status of your xTool D1 with us. With LightBurn running and your laser connected to the computer, open the Console window and the Laser window so both can be seen.

A cell phone picture creates a Moire pattern that is troubling for some users. A screen capture tool is a clear preference.

I hope to see the welcome message from the xTool D1 in the Console window.