Xtool D1 Fire Button Question

Hi All,
I wonder if there is a way to configure the D1 fire button on Lightburn to frame only when it get press it, my laser is a few feet away from my computer and when I hit the frame option it already start it framing. I wonder if there is a way to do a Macro or something like that to do this
Thank you!

Can you explain further?

There are separate buttons for fire and frame functions.

Additionally, it should only frame when you ask it to. Not following what you’re hoping for it to do.

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Hi thank you for replying, I’m talking about the physical button on the D1, the one in top of the laser. I was wondering if this can be setup to frame when is pressed. Like when you do it through XCS when framing, it doesn’t run the frame option until you press that button on the laser

I see. I’m not familiar with how that button functions. I suspect there’s not a way to have it work that way while LIghtBurn is directly controlling the laser.

I could see it working if all gcode were buffered and started only with the button press. Not aware if there’s a mechanism like that you can configure.

Note that the next major update to LightBurn will allow for continuous framing function so may be a moot point soon.


You can use a wireless mouse by the laser if you can see your screen from there, I have seen several people just leave a 2nd mouse by the laser for this reason.

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Is this what you are looking for? I mean maybe this helps?

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Changing to the laser dot enables the usage of the fire button. But I think that what you want is the behaviour you have in XCS, that when you say framing in XCS, the D1 is waiting for you to press the physical button. I don’t know how to achieve this, but if you find out let me know please.
However, I do have the enclosure by xTool and I like that I do not have to press the physical button additionally.

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Thank you guys for the replies, I’ll keep looking but as for now I’m just using an extra Bluetooth mouse closed to my D1 as recommended by Wyked.

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