Xtool D1 pro alarm

So made a project that was about 20 minutes long and the machine ran fine but when it was done and returned to home position an alarm went off and the little light on the front of the machine was blinking. I only had to press the silver button next to the little light and it would stop. This has happened a few times now, does anyone know what the alarm means?

This is a question best answered by someone that has an Owner’s manual and/or your exact machine model. To get the conversation going, Were you watching the machine Home when it alarmed? I m wondering if the alarm was due to Homing or something else.

**[quote=“MikeyH, post:2, topic:143262, full:true”]

This is a question best answered by someone that has an Owner’s manual and/or your exact machine model. To get the conversation going, Were you watching the machine Home when it alarmed? I m wondering if the alarm was due to Homing or something else.

**[quote=“MikeyH, post:2, topic:143262, full:true”]

This is a question best answered by someone that has an Owner’s manual and/or your exact machine model. To get the conversation going, Were you watching the machine Home when it alarmed? I m wondering if the alarm was due to Homing or something else.

strong text****sorry, im running an Xtool D1 pro 10 watt machine. It ran through the project fine, but when it went to home after the project the alarm went off. It happened 2 or 3 times after finishing the the same project.

It alarmed after finishing each project 2-3 times, or it alarmed 2-3 times after finishing a project?

This is the only thing I could find about an indicator on your machine. Is this where you see the alarm, or is it somewhere else?

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I have that happen occasionally with my XTool D1 Pro 20-watt. I don’t know what causes it. I suspect I didn’t have the machine homed correctly before I started and it thinks it hit the limit switches when the job finished. I just press the button to silence the alarm and move on to the next part of the project. It has never been a problem.

Yeah gaffboat that could be it, some times it’s slams into its home spot pretty good. Anyway like you said I just press the button and that stops it.

this should not happen unless the gantry or trolley is moving manually while powered up. Then the controller only knows where it was, not where it is.

Try setting GRBL parameter $1=255 to see of that fixes it. This keeps power on the steppers so you cannot move it manually.

I like that indicator description you sent, I’ll have to check with Xtool to see if they have some troubleshooting checklist for that alarm. If I find something meaningful for my situation I’ll post it.

Came straight from the xTool site.

The $1=255 is still worth a try.