Xtool D1 Pro Crashing Again

Hi Community, a question for all;

Why does over travels just start happening on this Xtool D1 20 watt pro? The other day I ran some parts
over and over with no problems what so ever. As usual, on start up, homed the machine, framed the parts
and then ran them. When the cutting was complete, the machine went home. Today I went out to cut out
some letters, and when pressing start, the machine will travel to the run position and shut down with the over
travel alarm sound. I went into Creative Space and shut down the fire alarm to do not show again thinking
that could be an issue, but no. Before turning on the machine and then starting Lightburn, I manually push
the head into the upper left corner, start the machine and then turn on Lightburn. Proceed to cut out the
letters, then get the alarm when the head gets to cut position. After this which does not work, I press the
home button, the head will home only back to the Y origin, no X position. I see no where a wire hanging or pulling
with the over travel wires. I have even put the letters in the center of the bed and set coordinates to current
position with the same results. Any way, as said, when pressing the home button the machine only homes
in the Y direction with NO alarms, no X home.

Like I said, If I try to cut one letters out in the center of the bed in current position, I still get the overtravel
alarm sound. Has any one unplugged the overtravel wires and worked form the center of the bed outwards,
and figured out how to turn off the over travels in Light burn?

Like I said, the other day all worked fine and today NOTHING.

Xtool D1 10 watt with honeycomb, Windows 10,
Xtool D1 Pro, 20 watt with honeycomb and extension kit, Windows: 11 <<<using this today
Ortur LM2 10 watt (not the pro), Windows 10,
Lightburn: 1.3.01,

Thanks always for all the help in the past,

Update to all on the Xtool D1 pro over travel. I have noticed when I home the machine from anywhere
on the table, the Y axis is the only one that will go to the machine home position. Before starting the Xtool,
I push the head in the upper left corner of the machine (as in my set up, home machine on start up is
checked to on). I will then put a small part in the middle of the table to frame, start the frame operation
and the laser will move X an Y to this position and start to frame until the laser moves towards the X direction
then the overtravel alarm sound. At this point, I will press the home button and the laser will
only home in the Y direction. From home position while in the MOVE window I can jog the laser towards
the center of the table, then jog it in the Y direction away from home about 8 inches. Then jog in the
X direction all if fine, but when I jog the X to left dirstion or home direction, the over travel alarm sound
starts. No matter where the laser head is at any time. There is no jogging or part running in th X direction
that travels to the left of X.

As I said in the above post, I see nowhere on the X cable where it is hanging on anything. I have unplugged
the cables and re plugged them back in. The X motor DOES jog away fom the home direction. Also, I ran
parts two days ago on the machine and all ran fine. All I did was shut the machine as usual, came out yesterday
turned it on only to have this problem. I have not changed a thing in Lightburn or on the machine.

With the machine off, the laser head can be manually moved in either X and Y direction with nothing
hanging up.

Thanks always for all the help in the past,

What are your Xtool settings in XCS? I wonder if there’s something wrong with the soft limits that detect any movement as over. These are the settings I use:

Screenshot 2023-06-16 172530

If your Limit Switch option is enabled, turn it off. That’s the over travel alarm, it does not affect homing. Try disabling that in XCS, then type $H in the console in Lightburn. Make sure the H is capitilized.

Update to all on the Xtool D1 pro over travel. Thanks for reply October Grey. I turned off the limit switch
option in XCS. That did stop all the overtravel alarm sounds and did allow me to jog and move in the X to
HOME position. Before start up of the machine, I can move the laser head to the upper left corner, then
start the machine, load a simple file and it run and return to the home position fine (only if I start the file with
the laser head in the upper left corner). If I am in the home position and jog the head out in the center of the
table and presss the home button, the laser will only move straight back in the Y direction and not both
the X and Y home. If the head is in the center of the table and I type in $H in the console, the laser will do the
same thing. It will move straight back in the Y direction only, no X home direction.

My settings in Lighturn device settings are, auto home on start up, enable out of bounds warning, return
motor or it would not jog in the X direction. I dont know of any settings in Lightburn or XCS that would have
any thing to do with this.

Thanks for all the help,

Turn off auto home on startup and out of bounds, you can try the settings I use here;

It sounds like something is setting a soft home on X when it starts. i.e. it’s doing G92 X0 wherever it starts. After changing the settings, close Lightburn and turn off the XTool, then restart both, and type $H in the console.

Update to all on the Xtool D1 pro over travel. Thanks for reply October Grey. I turned off the auto home
on start up and the out of bounds warning buttons. I did like you said, I turned off the Xtool while in the
center of the bed and turned off Lightburn. Started both and in the console window I typed in $H. It did
home to the upper left position. In the move window, I jogged the head into the center, then clicked the
home button in the move window, and it did home. I don’t know what happened to this machine from three
days ago, but all seems to be working fine.

One more question for all. In Lightburn is there to show the Absolute X and Y coordinate position of
the laser head in the middle of the operation if the stop button is pressed? Just a quesion. Thanks
October Grey, I will play aroung with these settings and post back with any problems. Thanks so much
for your help.
