Hola mi problema, es que cuando pulso el botón START el laser se lanza a un lado muy violentamente.
El FRAME lo hace perfecto, he cambiado a los 3 tipos de posicionamiento y siempre hace lo mismo. Estoy bastante agobiado, ¿alguna idea de que hago mal?.
Por cierto con el software de Xtool Creative, sin problemas, graba y corta perfecto.
Hello my problem is that when I press the START button the laser is thrown to the side very violently.
The FRAME does it perfectly, I have switched to all 3 types of positioning and it always does the same thing. I’m pretty overwhelmed, any idea what I’m doing wrong?.
By the way, with the Xtool Creative software, without problems, it records (engraves) and cuts perfectly.
He descubierto que tengo un problema con las escalas, hago un circulo de 10mm pulso en FRAME y hace el marco perfecto, pero cuando pulso START, lo intenta grabar mucho mas grande por eso se choca.
I have discovered that I have a problem with the scales, I make a 10mm circle I click on FRAME and it makes the perfect frame, but when I press START, it tries to record it much bigger so it crashes.
He conseguido que funcione en “Coords absolutas”, probaba a cambiar entre los 3 modos pero no reiniciaba el programa. Ahora por fin me funciona. Muchas gracias!
Una duda, ¿no se puede usar ninguno de los otros 2 modos que son mucho mas prácticos para centrar la pieza?
I have managed to get it to work in “Absolute Coords”, I tried to change between the 3 modes but it did not restart the program. Now it finally works for me. Thank you very much!
One question, can’t you use any of the other 2 modes that are much more practical to center the piece?
You can use the other modes but you need to be familiar with how your laser operates to understand the relationship between your design and how it gets interpreted.
In what way is it more practical to center the piece using those other methods? Maybe there’s an alternative approach you can take if you explain why it’s harder in Absolute Coords.
Yo voy a utilizar el laser para grabar pequeños objetos como llaveros o bolígrafos y es muy practico poder usar el modo “Posición actual”. Con “Xtool Creative” si lo podría hacer pero es un software muy limitado.
I am going to use the laser to engrave small objects such as key chains or pens and it is very practical to be able to use the “Current position” mode. With “Xtool Creative” I could do it but it is a very limited software.
What makes Absolute Coords less practical? I don’t see how this would be really any different.
The major consideration that you need to make when using Current Position is that the design you are burning will fit within the area that your laser head is currently positioned. That the laser head will not be requested to go beyond the edges of the laser. You can get a warning of this if you enable “Enable ‘out of bounds’ warning” in Device Settings.
Moving the laser with your hand is likely the reason why you’re having issues. Doing so breaks the controllers understanding of position.
Go ahead and use Current Position but use the jogging controls to move the laser. That should avoid the issues you’re seeing and also allow you to use Current Position.
Keep in mind also that moving the laser head by hand can cause damage to your laser. The motion in the stepper motors create a current that can backfeed into the rest of the components of the laser.