Xtool D1 problems

Hi community, can someone please help me with a new Xtool D1 laser? Listed below are some problems
I am having.

  1. When I start to frame, it moves to the start position as usual, then frames real slow.
  2. When in the move window and I try to move the laser head manually with the up, down, side arrows
    the carriages locks up and I have to push the stop button to quit the proccess, then the carriage
    moves freely.

I am currently in user origin with the center radio button on and working from the center out. I have
updated the LaserBox program to the latest version per the MakeBlock instructions in order to
use Lightburn. I have loaded the .lbdev file to load the Xtool D1 device.

Maybe any of you guys using the Xtool D1 have had any of these problems when you started can send me
in the right direction to get going. I started out with the Ortur LM2 with Lightburn, And it all works fine.
Any Help is much appreciated from all of you gurus.

Thanks Tim

There’s a firmware update that will push new firmware into the xTool D1.
Can you send me a link to the information you followed.

One of the folks at LightBurn has an xTool D1 and produced this video.
Let me know if this helps.

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Thanks for your reply John John, the above youtube was the one I followed to try and get the XtoolD1
going, Thanks Tim

John John, I forgot to add to the last reply on xTool D1, I cannot frame with it in Lightburn. When I
start frame in Lightburn, the carriages travels as usual to the start corner, and frames the square at a
VERY low travel. I heat seen anywhere on a way to speed this up. In Lightburn on the Ortur LM2 this
is OK,

Framing should use the speed setting in the Move window. Try changing that.


Thanks berainlb PY, I can not get the xtool d1 to frame an object. If i draw a small rectangle in Lightburn
and select frame it, it will move regular speed to the frame corner, then start to frame the object at a very slow speed. When i go to the Lightburn window and try to move the xtool d1 carriage, it locks up,
and i have to hit stop button in Lightburn to be able to move the carriage manually.

Thanks berainlb Py,
I just need to know the steps in Lightburn set up to frame a part. In the Move window i see nothing to
set framing speed.

Thanks all gurus,

The speed setting in Move window is the speed used for both jogging and framing.


What is your current value for speed?

Take a screenshot if unclear or things don’t work after adjustment.

berainlb PY, I got it all figured out. Thanks for your help. Anymore problems that I come across with the xtool d1 I will post.
Thanks again to all for the help community,

Please edit your original post to include what the root cause was and how you fixed it. Thanks

Thanks all for the replies on the frame speed in the move window. The problem was the that the speed setting was over looked and set to low. Raising the speed corrected this problem

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