Since I updated lightburn yesterday to 1.4.01 I can no longer cut thru 3 mm basswood or engrave anything at all. I have tried all the settings listed on the Xtool website and it is like my laser has to slow waaay down to even cut thru the thinnest of wood now. And even then I still have to go over every cut with an exacto knife. Has this happened to anyone else? Do I need to go back to an older version? Help! I run a business and need my laser to work
Sometimes windows misplaces settings during an update. It shouldn’t happen, and I don’t know why we see it - but here’s the fastest way to recover them.
You can recover all your previous LightBurn Settings by selecting File, Load Prefs Backup and selecting a file with a date/time-stamp from when LightBurn was working well for you.
Click Load, and that should bring your settings back to that date.
I have had another report of an xTool engraver exhibiting low output.
I would like to know if you’ve updated the firmware in the engraver recently.
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