Xtool frames image fine and goes out of limits as soon as starts

I recently updated to new computer and installed latest version of Lightburn. Now when I set up a project and frame it, once project starts it immediately goes out of limits. It does the same thing regardless of which start point method used, absolute, current or user.

Export your settings from the computer you were originally using to your new computer to make sure you’re using the exact same configuration. If that doesn’t resolve your issue, can you upload the project file?

Here’s our documentation on how to migrate your settings:

I wish i could but old computer toast.

Are you already using the lbdev file from this tutorial? You need it in order to for your machine and LightBurn to work well.

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No, i had not installed that. I have now however and its doing something entirely different now. Frames like it should as before, but now when burn started it goes supper wide and fires on either side. Not in frame at all. Problem only when sent to burn.


Welcome to the LB forum Jason.

Does the framing and burning work as intended in XCS?

Are You using the same units of measure (metric/imperial) on both the project file and in the settings?

If You design a simple shape with LB and try to burn that, does it behave the same way?

When I bought mine a while back, LB worked straight out of the box with the lbdev. file that was current at that time, but I’ve seen reports that there’s been problems if the lbdev. file and the xTool controllers firmware do not match somehow.
So if all else fails, re-flashing the firmware to the most current one might be a good choice.

Because of the xTools rather pequliar intepretation of GRBL, there may be other factors at play as well, but systematically eliminating possible culprits one by one is often the most productive way to solve a xTool problem.



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So far I’ve verified all settings regarding metrics. I’ve updated to the latest firmware, installed the most resent lbdev. file and run sample in XCS. Works fine in XCS. Don’t like that platform, as I’ve used Lightburn for the last year.
As it stands machine will still do everything fine up to starting the burn. It now goes wide and tries to burn to extreme sides and races back and forth full width of bed so fast it sounds like slipping belts.


I’d be utterly surprised if someone actually does :frowning_face: .

Unfortunately I’m unable to help further then, since I haven’t encountered those kind of problems.
Yet anyway :wink: .

Fortunately there are way more knowledgeable folks here in these forums than me when it comes down to xTool quirks, I’m sure someone will be able to help You.



I recently had an issue where I switched from my C02 to my Diode laser and the cuts/layers panel showed mm/m but was operating in mm/s. I had to go to settings and switch it to mm/s, close and reopen settings and change it back to mm/m and then it worked properly. This is a wild guess, but it won’t hurt to try it.


So far I have downloaded and imported the lbdev file. Removed all instances of the laser and re-installed. Imported the lbdev file and reset parameters for the laser. Restarted computer and software. Machine still frames perfectly fine until you sent it to task then it goes off to one side to limits. I’ve 3 different reactions dependent on what particular steps I took to connect laser. 1. frames fine, quickly runs out of limit on start. 2. frames fine, then burns extreme left and right quickly. 3. frames fine, then goes out of limit slowly when start. I’ve check in XCS and machine works fine even if the program sucks.

Have you updated your firmware yet? Can you provide the file that’s causing the issue?

Update. Not sure what changed, but so far I’ve managed to get it to work. I deleted the machine out and started from scratch. Only thing I can think is different is possibly order in which I did things. I did run on small test on bed before I changed bed dimensions to match my extended bed. Ran fine, changed bed size and it ran fine again.


That’s great news :grinning:

There’s the most likely at least a partial culprit for Your issues.
And a piece of information that is useful in Your profile.

I haven’t tried mine yet because I don’t have the extended bed enclosure built yet, but the xTool bed extension has been causing some troubles lately.
Different issues than Yours, but I for one wouldn’t rule out that those issues could be related somehow.
Could just as well be a whole new issue though, it’s xTool we are talking about after all.

As Yours work now, it’s possible that xTool has included the fix onto the firmware and/or the lbdev. file.



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Given that I see xTool very much focused in their new products and developments, I would keep the line of code they sent to me handy, just in case.

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