Xtool-"move" function

I had to replace one of the capacitors, then checked to be sure connections were solid. Laser carriage returns to Home when I turn it on, but "move’ buttons get me nothing

This is not enough to go on… photos are also good also.


If the machine Homes, then the capacitor change has nothing to do with the Move function. Include a snapshot of the Move window…

thanks for the response. Does this help?

Thanks for your response. Managed to recover function this morning after leaving the shop frustrated last night.

Got it! Thanks for trying to help me out.

You did not say what it was. Letting us know helps others in the Forum.

Sorry-it was pilot error, me being the pilot. I had failed to select the “tool” window, something I always have to when the machine has been shut down and I’m res

No worry, pilot error happens to all of us! Lightburn is so feature rich that it is hard to remember it all. But it is fun trying.