Xtool not communicating with lightburn

Continuing the discussion from Lightburn don't talk with my machine:

Hi, l am a little frustrated. I have been trying to use my Xtool D1 for four days now using the light burn software. I have reviewed dozens on help forums and have watched a couple dozen of videos no success. I can engrave using the xtool software. My computer recognizes the xtool machine. I have updated the software files and the firmware files. I have downloaded the driver files and load Ed them also. When I go to frame the project I receive a message that the software is not communicating with the laser. If I try to move the head using the software the same message appears. So it appears to me that the software is still not communicating with the laser. What to do next? Thanks

I have the 5w and using Windows 10. Only thing I can say is I updated the firmware for the machine first, then followed the instructions on this link: https://support.xtool.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414120232983

I downloaded the trial of lightburn, imported the configuration file, selected the Com Port, and mine was working right away.

Perhaps something is corrupted. Maybe roll back the firmware then re-update again?

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