XTool S1 Machine Settings "No controller settings returned"

I have been using the S1 on lightburn for a week or two. This is my first laser and I have had no issues with the software/hardware. I want to calibrate my x/y axis and it just shows “No controller settings returned”, and “ok” in the console when I press read.

I understand the S1 is not fully supported quite yet but was wondering if this was a problem in general or just something bugged on my side.

I think this is expected behavior from Xtool S1 for now

@Colin might be able to clarify
Lightburn is working on compatibility issues
I believe with cooperation with Xtool. so these things shall be fixed soon

There’s no sense trying to do this with xTool machines as they do not allow any sort of custom GRBL configuration. Changes are explicitly disallowed.

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