leider funktioniert mein laser seit neuestem nicht mehr richtig. Die Y Achse ruckelt im Betrieb. Ist der Laser ausgeschaltet hört sich die Y Achse aber normal an. Ich habe leider noch nicht die Standardeinstellungen für den Laser in Lightburn gefunden. Meine hinterlegten sind folgende.
SimpleLaser 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Harte Grenze ausgelöst. Die Maschinenposition geht wahrscheinlich durch plötzliches und sofortiges Anhalten verloren. Die Rückkehr zur Ausgangsposition wird dringend empfohlen.
SimpleLaser 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]
[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]
Bis vor 2 Tagen hatte dieser noch Tadellos funktioniert.
I am not currently getting an error message. However, I can’t laser at the moment because the Y axis is jerking so much that everything would go wrong. Enclosed is a video.
Perhaps this information will help: I have ordered a rotation roller (according to the manufacturer, this is also supported by my laser). I connected it and unfortunately not everything worked. I could not work with the roller because it did not rotate. So I put everything back to normal. And SINCE THEN I have had these problems. I have also completely reset Lightburn again. I also connected the laser to another computer with Lightburn. Unfortunately the same problem everywhere :(.
So I thought I would check the console values in Lightburn. I am currently using the Longer Ray5 20W. Does anyone here have the standard console values that they can send me? Then I could check them here too.
To be honest, I’m completely at a loss as I can’t use it at the moment!
I want to upload a video (That you can hear the problem) but i cannot upload one here :(.