Y axis is flipped

My Y axis is backwords. when I want it to go up it goes down. Using YoraHome 6550. Oiagin is set bottom left and the x axis move left and right fine.

In Lightburn on the Console tab enter $$ in the command field. Look for $3 in the list. If it is set to zero, enter $3=2 and press the enter key on your keyboard to change the direction of the y axis.
You can enter $$ again to make sure it changed.
Here is a list on how to change the different axis.
$3 – Direction port invert
Setting Invert X Invert Y Invert Z
0 N N N
1 Y N N
2 N Y N
3 Y Y N
4 N N Y
5 Y N Y
6 N Y Y
7 Y Y Y

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