Y axis on co2 suddenly giving erratic cuts

Laser suddenly giving erratic cuts on the y axis. running a ruida 6442g controller and JMC 2M542 stepper controllers.

If i make a box of say 3mm x 20mm and do multiple cuts in a single cut i find the dimensions change

3mm, 3.1mm,3.1mm, 3mm, 2.8mm

this can happen on any cut. I have checked the stepper controllers (even swopped around), belts etc. even changed the PWM to a rising edge in case that would work.

I can not pin this problem down.

Did you check if the pulley belt is correctly tighten to the stepper axle?

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This suggests a mechanical problem and this test pattern helps identify the trouble spot:


Scale it to fit the platform and run it as fast as it will go in Line mode with optimizations turned off and power set to mark a sheet of cardboard.

Upload good photos of the result so we can look over your shoulder.


You are a star.

Currently testing on rdworks is it possible to send the file in dxf or AI

what is quite confusing as well is that when doing circle cuts i get almost perfect circles and no indication of backlash.

I think you can load & scale it in LightBurn, export the layout as DXF, import it into RDWorks, then set the laser speed & power.

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