So I have been running Lightburn now for almost a year and it’s been amazing! I am running a Neje Max 2S, I’ve had zero issues. Now I get a K40 setup and get it running through MeerK40T which worked without any issues. I have done a few test runs with the K40 over the last few weeks but without running the laser. Last night I fired up the laser ran without issues. This morning I go back to my Neje, when I try to frame my object it moves to the corner of the image to be burned the laser moves directly to the corner, X, and Y no issues but when it gets to the corner where it’s time for Y to move and it just sits there while the steppers hum. This is where it gets a bit confusing from home if I tell it to just start no issues at all it burns just fine it’s only framing I am having problems with. Below is what I am getting in the console. Keep in mind I have to click stop in order to disengage the motors and stop the humming and in this case after I sent to the home position right back to the limit switches. I am at a loss, I have downloaded the latest version, shut down both the computer and laser which are connected via USB there are no other programs running while I am doing this. If somebody could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
Sorry I did leave some information out, the only reason I brought up the K40 is because that is the only change that has been made however I have had it setup for about a month or so. I was running Lightburn on top of MeerK40T in Ruida mode. Sorry about all the reference to corners. The laser is moving in a diagonal direction so both X and Y are moving towards the image in this case just a burn test. Once it reaches the nearest corner to home where it would begin to draw out the frame the Y axis does not proceed which brings everything to a stop. I am using the home button to send the laser back to home which is the top left of the machine. Here are the results from the console.
I don’t see anything wrong in your $# output or in the frame code. I’m curious, though, normally the WCO portion of your status message would only be included in an actual offset were configured. It doesn’t appear that you have one.
I think it’s possible that you framing speed settings are just very slow. Framing uses the speed setting in Move window. 18 mm/min may be just imperceptibly slow for you to see.
You’re awesome that was the issue, I was looking everywhere but there thank you so much!!! On a side subject can you tell me where I can increase my travel speed? I know it can run considerably faster than it currently runs as the factory demo cut moves extremely fast but I cannot find the adjustment and I have not had any luck finding information online. Thank you again I can get my machine back to work!!!
Look at adjusting $110, $111 in mm/min. Those set global max speeds for X and Y respectively.
$120, $121 sets XY acceleration in mm/s^2.
Also, look at setting Fast Whitespace Scan in Edit->Device Settings. This has limited applicability but takes effect if you have whitespace between burn areas of a burn.