Yet another workflow question

objective: radiused outer section.

I got this far by using circular array on a radiused rectangle (2 mm x 10 mm), converting it to a group and subtracting it from the circle. The resulting shape has sharp corners.

Below: one of the starting shapes:


Below: a better starting shape:


The result of the first shape:


Result of the second shape:


Manual radius starting point:


This one above is a hit or miss sort of build. I duplicate it, rotate it n/360 degrees and make a third copy for correct spacing, left and right. Manual dragging of the radius ends to join the neighbor, then rotate that in a circular array.

I have to enter node editing to ensure the paths join properly, as the close paths or join paths feature doesn’t work on this type of structure, as best as I can tell.

Here’s the result after joining blocks, duplicating, rotating, etc.:


Is there an easy way to “soften” the edge circle in a semi-automated/boolean manner?

Offset, then un-offset would be my method:

First, draw a circle, drop a rectangle centered at the top node, create a radial array, subtract to get this:


Offset outward:

Then offset Inward:

Then do both in the opposite order:

Yowza! That was great. It’s just as easy as it appears. Makes my project a lot easier, especially for different sizes.

Thanks for the great and perfect answer.

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