Z axis inaccurate after touching material

I have an OmTech Polar+ (with autofocus). When I turn it on, the z-axis homes properly and reads 0. But if the laser ever touches the material, it sets the z coordinate to max travel (25.0) regardless of the thickness of the material. This makes the z-axis readings off from then on. Is there a way to read the z position from the origin instead of assuming that it’s at max travel once it hits the material?

Laser is zeroed (all the way up). Z axis reads 0.
Distance between nozzle and material is 10 mm. I hit Focus Z or just lower the laser as far as it will go.
Laser goes down, touches the material. Instead of reading 10mm it reads 25mm (max travel)
When I try to rehome the laser, it tries to go up 25mm and triggers a Z Limit error.

My settings:
-Enable Z Axis on

  • Relative Z moves only off
  • Omtech Polar on
  • Optimize Z moves

This occurs regardless of the material thickness I set in the cuts/layers tab