Z Axis jogging continuously when either arrow pressed

Hello, I have a Vevor 3018 Pro. The controller board is a 3 Axis GRBL CNC Router USB Port Engraving Machine 1.1f 3018 CNC Control Board. I am running windows 10 on a PC. The version of Lightburn is 1.1.04.

The X and Y axis moves correctly but the Z runs continuously when up or down is pressed and I have to press stop in Lightburn for it to stop. If I set continuous on the “Move” screen the Z axis Up and Down arrows are greyed out.

I have 2 different controllers and both perform the same. $32=1. I think it worked before the last update last week.

I’d like to apply the same Move window settings to my 3018 that you’re using.

If you share a capture of the Move window, i’ll set mine up and try reproduce what you’re seeing.

Hello John,

I have attached 4 pictures of my setup.

  1. As the machine connects
  2. Initial Screen
  3. Device Settings
  4. Clicking on the up arrow followed by clicking “Stop”.
    Hope this helps. Regards Barry

Hello John,

Any news on this problem. Could I back down to the previous version?



I don’t know how i missed your reply previously.

I can’t see in your Move window if you’re calling for mm/s or mm/min and it’s one of the major obstacles to getting started.

Jumping back to a previous version is an available option but it’s not likely a path you need to take.

You can reload a previous set of ‘preferences’ from when your engraver worked predictably well for you and it’s much faster.

The square block in the text presented in the Console window in the third picture looks like a communication error and garbled data.

This may need some more troubleshooting. :slight_smile:

Hello John,

Picture 1 Shows the Move window complete.
Picture 2 Device Settings
Picture 3 Settings
Picture 4 Machine settings
Picture 5 Device settings with Enable $J Jogging enabled.
Picture 6 With the commands sent with Jogging enabled in 4.
Picture 7 Is with Enable $J Jogging disabled commands sent and stopped with STOP.

I have never saved a set of previous preferences so that is out.

Hope this helps


Hello John,

Had to upload the next 3 pictures



Maybe not…

Start LightBurn. Don’t start from a project file as an active project blocks the next step.
Click File in the top bar.
Wheel all the way down and click ‘Load Prefs Backup’

Lightburn saves several backup sets of preferences. It is my hope that you have access to one that worked for you previously.

I’d like to see what the unknown character is in the Console window. Would you mind copying and pasting the Alarm 3 message and the few lines before it into a reply here. It’s unusual to see that character in the Console window.

Hello John,

Starting stream

G21 G54


G1 Z -5F10 S0


Stream completed in 0:00


Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.

Grbl 1.1f [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]


[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


I then loaded the earliest previous preferences for the 9th May and the result was the same. The 9th May was after the last update from LightBurn!



Hello John,

The problem was me.

It is now resolved.



How did you fix it? I’d really like to know and it will probably help other users too.

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