Z axis not homing

Back onto my DIY laser build after a few years off,
Have the x/y axis homing fine, however the Z axis does not even attempt to home.
I have it enabled in lightburn, and I can manually move it from the ruida control panel.

Initially I designed it to have the bed move for Z adjustment, but have added a custom motorized laser mount that will function as Z, and will setup the bed to run off U Axis.

Does this have to be enabled using rdworks first?
I originally was just going to use rdworks, but kept getting WIFI drop outs that I could not get resolved, have not had one drop out using lightburn, great job +++ developers…

Ty in advance, I’m just trying to get things moving correctly, than will dial in the finer details as I go, sure I’ll have a few more questions along the way.

I know nothing about rdworks, but when I set up my GRBL based controller I had to enable Z homing in console.

Not sure if you can switch Zaxis on and off in the Ruida, but typically the controller will Home Z first, then X&Y. In the GRBL code, you either have Z compiled in or you do not.

There are some config options available through RDWorks that LightBurn does not expose. In particular, the rotary / Z / U axis options are both complex & undocumented.

My KT332N raises and lowers the platform using the U axis, but does not home on startup even though LightBurn has that setting enabled; turning it off has no effect. The machine has an autofocus “pen” (really a switch) activated by the front-panel Focus button, so AFAICT there is another config option for that.

Drag out a laptop, figure out how to connect it with wired Ethernet to avoid WiFi jank, fire up RDWorks, select the appropriate controller, and rummage around in there.

Hi, tkx for the reply, going to load LB on a laptop just so it is near the machine for setup purposes, did snoop around in Rdworks this morning enabling the z home, wrote it to it but still no movement.
I would like it to home to the minus side than move to my preset home offset when powered on, same as my bed that will be as yours on the U axis. new too the laser side of things, but fluent in the cnc machining side.
will contact ruida and ask why it is doing this? didn’t find anything in rdworks other than the enable option.
tkx for the reply, will keep you posted when I find the solution

Again, I know nothing about your controller or how you change settings, but to get my GRBL based controller to home on Z I had to input this in console.

Note that the Z and U axes are different, so if the controller STEP & DIR outputs come from the U axis terminals, the Z axis settings are irrelevant.

The KT332N has config settings for the Z axis, but no terminals where those outputs would appear. :slightly_frowning_face:

GRBL and Ruida come from entirely different planets, to the extent that Ruida controllers have a binary command set and, thus, don’t have a human-readable interface or console.

The homing cycle commands you use apply to the MKS-DLC32 variant of GRBL for ESP32 controllers, which are a vast improvement over Original Gangster GRBL written for 8-bit Atmega controllers. Not having to recompile the source just to change the homing sequence is one pleasant consequence of having more than 32 K bytes of program memory available … :grin:


Hi sorry, the controller is the ruida 6442s, it does have Z and U axis control, Have all axis moving now, X/Y will home correctly, Z/U do not attempt to, still searching for why

Go to menu on panel and find user settings.
There should be options for focus and position of Z.

Just an update on my progress
I am able to home the Z axis by using the keypad/auto focus under settings, z will move to home switch and back off my set amount, and finally show 0 as position.
Now to make it do that on a reset/power on
tkx for the help up to now

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