(Z limit -) Error Please help

Hi everyone.
I got problem with my OMTech machine and well their customer service is taking forever to solve the problem. I was wondering if anyone know anything about it:

I was cutting some plywood and then changed material. After i clicked on autofocus it started resetting (not entirely, but Z axis). I checked diagnosis on my ruida and it shows “Z Limit -” indicator turned red. Please help, got a lot customers waiting and as far as i can still work and focus manually it is pain in the a$$ especially when machine is running for 10h/day and every time i put something different i have to focus by hand. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I lase lots of stuff, and when I put a new piece in, I don’t refocus, nothing has changed… so I’m wondering why you need to refocus for every part.

Is the Z limit led illuminated on the controller?

These are usually hall effect and trigger from close proximity to Ferris metals… So you can trigger them with any Ferris metal, such as a scrap part or a screwdriver.

The other is just a mechanical switch…

Whichever you have, check the Ruida LED lights to trace the issue. Since it shows in the diagnostics as being active, check the input led to see if the switch is sending a active signal… The associated led will be illuminated… unless your system has its inputs inverted.

If the LED is illuminated, then the switch is sending an active signal.


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Amazing help. I was cutting plywood for magnets and after that i put one of magnets on machine since than it stopped working all i had to do is remove magnet. NOW IT WORKS FINE :slight_smile: thank you VERY much :smiley:

I mostly dont refocus but since i’m making very precise product like maps (smallest country name is 1mm height) it need to focused perfectly.

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