ZYE Laser MYJG 50W compatible with OMTech K40+ laser?

Hello, I recently entered the world of laser engraving by buying this OMTech K40+ off ebay. The laser itself does work, I can test it and it turns on. However, if I try to use Lightburn (1.6.00) to engrave, it shows the laser is on, water protection, all that fancy jazz, but it doesn’t actually show any output. I’ve made sure lightburn has output on, changed different power levels, everything I can think of to troubleshoot myself and do research on. I think it might be something to do with the 50W board and it somehow not being compatible with the 40W laser.

I couldn’t find any drivers to download to get it to work. Has anyone else been able to find a driver, or experienced this issue? If you did, how did you fix it? If I have to change the controller, that’s fine with me.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

When you connect your laser to Surface does Windows detect it?

Does Lightburn connect?

As far as I know, none of these are read and/or displayed in Lightburn.

Did you follow the Lightburn grbl setup?

If you failed to change $30 and S-Value Max, these could be symptoms. You didn’t mention if the machine was drawing tube current… you do have a mA meter?

Can you jog the gantry from Lightburn?

What does the status say in the left upper area of the laser window?

How long is the tube in your machine – that will give you a good idea of it’s wattage… unless you have a wattmeter?

As a word of caution, don’t ever run anything during a test/setup stage at 100%, mainly because it could be doing 200% and you may not know it… Keep the power down, at or below 50% until you figure out it’s problems… and get it working.

At these power levels it will work or it won’t… High power won’t help you get it to work and will only endanger the equipment.

Good luck


I dont know why… but I went to check that the laser was ready, it did say it, and I remember it always saying ready… so I pressed start, and… it ran and actually used the laser… so, I don’t know. It worked. It probably won’t in the future.

Glad you’re up again… I’d suggest you have a bad joint somewhere in the wiring… It smells of an intermittent connection causing the issue.

Did you measure your tube length? Just curios about these, tubes seem to run from about 600mm to a little over 700mm…


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