100watt co2 laser wpont fire at speeds any faster than 100mm/s all of a sudden. Anything slower its working. Any ideas?

100watt co2 laser wont produce proper results at speeds any faster than 100mm/s. It worked fine then didnt after a lans clean. Doesnt have a problem with cuts or fill, only images.

Something to do with power source?..

I just read about this in another posting. Please do not double-post. It is better if all the suggestions and the solution are in a single post.

Don’t know what you are doing, but all of the results seem to be less than what I’d call proper.

What kind of dpi are you expecting?

Suggest you double check to ensure the tube is resonating in TEM00 mode.

Then follow through to ensure it’s aligned.

Let us know …


At 400 x 400 the immage is good, its only the small size that drops quality. The issue seems to be twofold.

When the full size job is sent to the laser it seems to upload twice, the second time very slowly. As soon as the second upload is finished the laser stops firing even though the job isnt finished.

Now running at any speed over 100m/s and the laser will miss lines or even whole sections as per the pics.

This sounds to me like you’re using the start button rather than send. If that’s the case try using the send button, then start the job from your machine. On a side note, if your raids controller has its memory full, or close to full with files, it can do some odd things. Perhaps delete files from the controller.

Thanks Tim, either way it does the same thing with the double upload. I have cleared the memory tried sending the start.

Further tests today and I have taken the speed up to 500mm/s at 90% and it seems there is not enough power to engrave properly. the strange thing is it only seems to happen on image, cut and fill seem unchanged. Very frustrating as we used to run at 800m/s with no problem and now we have a heap of backorders.

It’s possible your tube is going bad. I was having mixed results with burns. Do a test burn at mirror 1 on card stock, low power, short burst.
This is how mine looked. Left pic is from old tube, right pic is new. 100 watt 15%, 150 ms pulse.

That was suggested in post #4.


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