2 identical machines, 1 computer, different coordinates reported

I have 2 sainsmart 3018’s…
using 1 computer… 1 on com3 and 1 on com4
both machines set up exactly the same, prefs and settings.
have this - G10 L2 P1 X-286 Y-316 Z-1
I home the machines and hit “get Position”
machine 1 x 2.00 machine 2 x 286.00
machine 1 y 0.00 machine 2 y 316.00
machine 1 z 0.00 machine 2 z 1.00
but the settings are 100% identical.

Did you do a line-wise compare of the $$ output?
It can also depend on the firmware, it can be compiled with either setting all coordinates to zero after homing or not.

Yes. Line by line identical. Firmware identical.
$$ - identical, $# - identical.

I had to do this to make them the same…

G10 L2 P1 X-297 Y-317 lower machine

G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 upper machine

Reflash the firmware, reset the settings. Maybe some value is not correctly read from eeprom. Especially $10, maybe. Or the positioning reset does not work in one firmware.


Thanks so much! I flashed both controllers, and now everything works!!!