3D engraving, Turn off Cross hatch

Hello, trying to use 3D engraving with rotary but running into a couple problems.

  1. When you use Image Mode: 3D Slicing it forces you to use cross hatching, but there is no setting to turn it off (preferred for rotary) or change its settings, such as angle/auto rotate (which might be nice).

  2. If I change the line width to 0.025 to match the Split size it doesn’t go as deep or clean as if I do wider (2mm lets say). But when I do 2mm split with 0.025 line width you get those weird gaps in the art.

Idea Solutions?: A setting that takes the 3D image cut up into layers, and engraves the entire top layer first before rotating back to the start the second layer, instead of doing all 100 layers of one section then rotating. This would certainly take longer because of the extra rotary movement but might make a smoother finish.
Also maybe allow for a clean up pass between layers?

I think part of how the 3dslice works, it needs to do the 90 deg scan to ensure pixel alignment…

Check out this thread about 3dslice mode…


What are you engraving on the rotary that is 3d? Sounds interesting…


page missing or pvt. :frowning:

It works for me… I wonder why it’s protected… it’s just a thread in the forum…

Maybe @JohnJohn knows why this is… I noticed it doesn’t show a preview of the link…?

It’s in the galvo beta section… you might not have access there…

This is from Oz…

With 3D Slice, each pass is thresholded to the current threshold value, and the result is run as a 1-bit image. If you use 256 passes you get exactly one pass per gray-level in the image. Every pixel at or below brightness 255 for the first pass, every pixel at or below 254, then 253, and so on.

If you choose 128 passes, you get every pixel at or below 254 for the first pass, then 252, then …

It “clusters” the layers together into batches if you use fewer than 256 passes, and will duplicate some layers (with even spacing) if you use more than 256. 384 passes would duplicate every 2nd layer. 512 passes would duplicate every layer.


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