I’m using a 40w Diode - and would like to cut a 6mm plywood (MDF). Could someone help me set up to LightBurn. Thank you
I can’t help with the settings for a diode, but I think you’re going to need REALLY good air assist to cut 6mm ply.
Hi, think your best bet would to use scrap mdf for testing the different settings, the slower the better.
Try with and without masking tape or whatever you use.
Please let us know how you get on…
OK. I’m doing the Air Assistant, and when I’m cut, I’ll let you know. Thank you very much
Yes, you inform him. As soon as I finish the air assist I’m doing, I’ll cut… Thank you
Neje 40W laser is officially a 15W power output laser and I have measured only 10W with a professional Ophir laser head. Cut 6 mm Plywood is difficult with a 10W laser. More easy with a real 40W Co2 laser as K40.
Even cutting 6mm plywood with a K40 is tricky. You need some serious air assist directed exactly at the cut.
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