$79 Cenoz laser engraver on Amazon... any good?

Got the setting to match yours.
Machine will not do anything.



































$X to unlock controller…

You might also power off and then back on with carriage out in the middle. Try homing and/or a few small X and Y moves…

I can get it to move but the X axis is backwards
If i click it to go left, it moves to the right

I had to set the $3=0 to get the X axis to work right

Think binary for $3 setting…

For X axis the LSB controls direction – 0 or 1
For Y axis, next bit left of LSB – 0 or 1

So, $3 will be 00, 01, 10, or 11… i.e. $3=0/1/2/3


$3 – Direction port invert, mask
This setting inverts the direction signal for each axis. By default, Grbl assumes that the axes move in a positive direction when the direction pin signal is low, and a negative direction when the pin is high. Often, axes don’t move this way with some machines. This setting will invert the direction pin signal for those axes that move the opposite way.

This invert mask setting works exactly like the step port invert mask and stores which axes to invert as bit flags. To configure this setting, you simply need to send the value for the axes you want to invert. Use the table above. For example, if want to invert the Y axis direction only, you’d send $3=2 to Grbl and the setting should now read $3=2 (dir port invert mask:00000010)

My setting is $3=2… does your Y move in the right direction?

Yes, i was wrong before. $3=2
Now both X and Y move in the right directions

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Awwww Yeahhhh
It runs on Lightburn.
Next up is my first tile.

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Welp…Back to not working again.
the machine will make 1 jog move and then quit.

One thing I’m noticing in the test burn is that the start/end and corners of the design seem to be burned. Are you running with “Constant power mode” or have you possibly configured the machine as “GRBL-M3”? I would expect laser mode and variable power to eliminate or at least reduce that.

Is there anything in Console when that happens? What do you need to do to recover?

Well, I positioned the laser by hand and it is currently doing a tile.
It appears that the controller just doesn’t like the jogging mode

mine did the same, but I couldn’t connect to either the ‘upgrade’ or Lightburn programs after doing it once.

I got my programmer and loaded it via the internal header, had a successful ‘load’ but it’s still unresponsive to the any program… Makes no announcement of the firmware.

I’m using an st-link programmer

Appears to have uploaded properly… The red area marked it is uploading…

It said ‘ready’ once, but when I entered $$ it responded with two line feeds. Changed the configuration and now it won’t connect at all…

What are you selecting as the grbl type? I assumed grbl-stm, but I thought I’d ask.


Im going to let this tile run for a while.
Then Ill go back into the console and send you a screen shot.

This should be GRBL, not Gerbil-STM. Gerbil-STM is for mini-gerbil devices.

I’ll give that a shot… Thanks…

Guess I assumed gerbil-stm was related to the stm32…

Screenshot from 2022-08-19 11-32-25

Lightburn thinks it’s ready, but the $$ gets nothing in response.


Jack, it appears that you are not connected… so $$ won’t work. I don’t think the “Ready” at top of Laser tab is a reliable indicator… but the Console window is.

One thing I’ve noticed with my Linux-enabled Chromebook… every time I power down or disconnect, the “ttyUSBx” setting “toggles” to another setting. If I click on the “port” field it usually shows me a different setting… select it and I’m able to connect.

Even if I don’t set it, when I right click on the device tab it finds it… Generally it doesn’t say ‘ready’ but with it set to plain grbl it does say it’s ‘ready’… however they determine it, it must be there.

I only have a few things on that hub and I can see the 340 driver in lsusb…

I think it’s loading ok the code Ok…

Any suggestions would be good… :pray:


What is this Rom bin file?
Do I need to install it also?

That’s the image of the firmware. The upgrade program will load that file to internal memory. You’ve already done this so nothing more to be done.

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thank you…

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