9/21 UPDATED RANT - Imported Chinese laser, WAIT! or it will co$t YOU BIG

I feel your pain. this is how things works around here and not related to the corona pandemic. we pay high fee on imported stuff from China. not small stuff - cheap ebay stuff are no issue. it’s these big heavy crates and exotic machines that are the worst.

We paid over $1000 for them to X-ray the big container, open up our laser crate and storage fees while we waited for the detailed hand inspection.


Are these fees in addition to the $980 you posted previously, or is that $980 part of one of the big items on this newest list such as terminal handling?

We forecasted min $980 based on the first bill now we received the updated final bill with all the miscellaneous handling fees … yup the xtra fees would be terminal handling.

What chaps my hide is that they found nothing wrong with our import . They charge it because they can.

Here is Trumps China Tariff War fee. Thanx buddy

I’m just glad it finally over we have an exact delivery date of Tuesday. FINALLY . This journey began in September 2019 long before all this madness began.

So for those who want to estimate your tariffs figure 29%.
Don’t forget all the other fees in my past post in pricing out the cost of your import.




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I am glad my laser came from a warehouse in California.
Years ago when I bought my 3D printer, there was all kinds of paperwork they (uncle Sam) asked me to fill out which I found out I actually did not have to do because the shipper was responsible. Fortunately it did not incur any more money just the hassle of the paperwork.

The tariffs and fees really add up and is to be considered when importing when comparing against other manufactures who are US based or even some US companies that simply import in bulk (like Laguna). Epilog can go upward to $70,000. Laguna is at least sensible in their rebranded Chinese imports and cuts out all of the headache making a pretty competitive price for good quality.


I am in the middle of this now, it seems the shipper put the machine on the boat before having an ISF number which is customs security number There is a slight chance O may be on the hook for a very big fine for what was out of my control and done by others in China without my knowledge or consent.But its not the end of the world just a minor, but expensive aggravation.

Lucky duck :duck:


That is the biggest variable? As low as $400 as high as $2000 over and above tariffs. Nevertheless less still a better machine and way way more cost effective then $70,000


Believe it or not that is the importers responsibility not the shippers.You don’t want to pay the penalty trust me.

That is a huge penalty. You need an import broker who can file on your behalf and pull a bond.

This is the problem:

*Effective JULY 9, 2013,CBP will commence full ISF enforcement and will start issuing liquidated damages against ISF importers and carriers for non-compliance ( $5,000 per violation ).In order to facilitate timely filing, complete information must be provided to the ISF filer as early as possible, but no later than 48 hours prior to ETD, with office closings taken into account. ISF Importers are legally responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of their ISF Filings, regardless of whether a customs broker or other intermediary does the actual filing.



I have a family friend that is a freight forwarder and she hooked me up with a Broker that pulled a bond so I am hoping for the best. That is a 5 grand fine, I was sick over it and still a little worried.
But they filed the AMS number and should have the ISF tomorrow.

When is your ship :ship: with the container due to dock in Port? What port is it due to arrive in?


May 12 arrival in NY then to a inland port Charlotte NC

You will be OK ! Just file it expeditiously now!

Do you have your FDA certificate you will need that from your supplier? Apparently the FDA is very interested in lasers.
As a result of this COVID19 and this coming from CHINA :cn: you will most likely get thE X-RAY and rubber glove :gloves: exam and that is costly.

Also figure 29% Tariff of your ProForma Invoice total for US Customs over and above port fees, warehouse and transport costs while on US Soil. The freight fee you paid was only for the crate to reach NY Port and maybe transfer to Charlotte NC. Not in port and transfer fees.

All those that imported prior to Trumps China War made out like bandits. Cheers and enjoy your new tool . Hope it makes you money!



I am up grading in table size from My Bodor 1000 x 600 to another Bodor with a 1300 x 900 bed, If the new machine is anything like the one I have now it will be great.
Believe it or not I am retired and do this as a hobby.

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So we paid customs to X-ray the container, then we paid customs to do an intensive inspection and they damaged our laser machine by not putting the top of the crate back again.

The angle iron broke all buttons on control panel and scrapped the entire top of the machine like a file going back and fourth . There were two angle iron cross beams to support the top lid so they went to town rubbing back and forth from Los Angeles to Portland. More images to follow tomorrow.

I am so mad at US Customs I am fit to be tied . And to think that this inspection service cost us more and they found absolutely nothing. I now can understand why people go “postal” on government employees who do not have a care in the world.

Our importer told us of a story where he imported a high end armored truck with keys to open the doors but US customs did not bother using the keys and they opened it up with the jaws of life.

Our machine other wise is beautiful and can’t wait to fire her up. I hope the laser tubes are OK they opened them up and threw them back without even placing them in their protective sponges and sealing the boxes. One of the lasers is a W6 150 watts.

Insurance claim time tomorrow. Ugggghhh,

Till tomorrow


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… it seems that customs in the states are even more on the dips than here in DK. It must be very frustrating and it indicates more of a proven aggressive treatment of goods coming from China. Customs well knows that it is goods that have to be handled very carefully. I feel with you and hope that the insurance covers the damage.

Damn… the story gets worse and worse… :frowning:

More pics

She’s a Biggie… needed longer forks in a forklift

US CUSTOMS can kiss my :horse:

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