I’m still in my trial period, but I’ve purchased a second “burner” type laptop that I don’t feel bad about leaving in a dusty shop.
I installed Lightburn on the “new” one and tried to type in my trial code (from the previous install) that displays when you start the software up. Didn’t take it. So a couple questions…
How do I ‘sync’ the trial period on both machines? I don’t want to take advantage by starting a whole new trial period. Fair’s fair.
When I do get them both running, will lightburn recognize me and sync settings or is it a whole new setup with the new laptop?
Just start a new trial on the new machine. You can not use the same trial key on a different system at the same time. You can export your preferences and device profiles, so you can have the same setup on both systems, but syncing the time for the trials is not needed nor supported.
The trials are independent and know nothing of each other, so yes. When using a purchased key, there are 2 seats standard, and we offer a 3rd for free, when asked nicely.