Running 1.1.01 I tested an import of colors from an SVG created in Inkscape successfully. Tested the same file converted to a PDF successfully. Perhaps something specific to the AI import path…
Are you able to post the AI file or a test file that shows this behavior?
@patricr, @Blake was trying to import the AI file directly into LightBurn. However, your test seems to verify that there’s something going on specific to the AI import path since exporting to SVG from AI seems to work around it.
I can confirm that I get the same behavior as @Blake.
So I decided to save as SVG to get the layers imported that way. It looks like it’s offsetting one of the layer’s position upon import. Not sure how evident it is, but one of the gray layers is moved out of position compared to the file open in Illustrator. 2 bugs in one thread is me being efficient btw.
I just figured out what I. missed- he imported the .ai file and lost all the layers. At least the job might be useable when exporting as SVG from AI. Then someone can figure out what happened to the .ai file fomat.
Can you post the SVG file exported from AI. Curious if the problem is in the export or in the import.
Importing the AI file into Inkscape then exporting as SVG doesn’t create the same offset so something with how the SVG file was generated is tripping this up.