Hello, I am trying to install the air assistant, but it does not work. I used the hardware described here: Two Trees Totem S / Air Assist Control - #9 by Trek2120
and hooked up as shown.
Between terminal SCL and GND I have a permanent 3v, which means that at rest the relay is closed and my pump does not work.
I activated the M7 command in the settings, when I start an engraving nothing happens I always have 3v on SCL so the relay does not let the current flow. Same when I’m on M8.
I forgot something?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Could you need to enable that pin or functionality some way in the configuration of the controller?
Odd they use the scl output… does i2c need to be enabled?
Since they are grbl commands, have you tried using a voltmeter and see if M7 or M8 toggle the pin directly from the console, sans the relay?
I always have 3v output on the card. I think I have to put a gcode to tell it to cut at the start of burning and to activate at the end of burning but I don’t know what to put.
I would think it would have some type of configuration … as far as I know the m commands works…
@berainlb seems to know these… maybe he’ll pop in and help resolve this…
Let’s pull @killrob in since he made the initial suggestion.
In any case, M7 or M8 commands would be used to activate air assist and M9 to disable.
I have to indicate in light burn, this is command for it to work?
Normally this is handled automatically by LightBurn in the gcode generated. You choose M7 vs M8 in Edit->Device Settings. I assume based on what you said you’ve already done this.
You could run these in Console to test manually if you were inclined.
I have nothing that changes when the engraving starts there is always 3v at the SCL terminal whether I am in M7 or M8, nothing changes
Can you confirm that you’ve enabled “Air assist” in the Cut setting for that layer?
yes it is enabled
It’s possible that the firmware is misconfigured or not equipped to handle this. Have you reviewed different firmare revisions to make sure this is in fact supported in your firmware?
the firmware of the lts v1.1? No.
Where can I find the info?
I’m not familiar with the relationship between the TwoTrees MKS LTS V1 board and MKS DLC32 which is referenced in the other Topic.
Seems like LTS V1 might be some sort of cost-optimized version of the DLC32 with support for 2-axis operation but not sure.
You may want to get in touch with TwoTrees to see how this is meant to work. I don’t see any direct reference to this board from Makerbase.
what gcode command i can put to see if it takes it into account like that.
Just M8 in start Gcode part and M9 in end Gcode part?
This is what I posted earlier.
Try both M7 and M8 to start the air assist, and M9 to quit. But instead of putting this in the start and end gcode fields. Do this in Console.
in console?
Check here for information on Console:
Console Window - LightBurn Software Documentation
hello, when I enter the commands in the console this is what it writes:
if I enter the commands M8 and M9 nothing happens
Did you measure any control voltage at relay, 3V sounds low. What relay are you using?